Feedback Training
Feedback Training is in high demand. Giving and receiving feedback is a much-discussed, sensitive topic within organisations. There are even training courses that are completely focused on giving feedback. Employees and managers generally find it difficult to hold colleagues accountable for their behaviour. After all, it is not always easy to point out his or her responsibilities to someone else. Fear or uncertainty can even prevent important feedback from being given, with the result that the person in question does not know what to improve. No wonder there is a lot of demand for good feedback training.
Fear and Uncertainty
Where does this fear or uncertainty come from? There are, of course, many causes. One of the main causes is that people are afraid to cause a conflict and thereby disrupt the mutual relationship. On the other hand, there are also people who give feedback all the time, without taking the other person’s feelings into account. In either case, the relationship and performance are ultimately at stake.
Is Standard Feedback Training the Solution?
For both groups, the solution is often sought in feedback training. It is then assumed that with the application of a well-considered method and associated skills, the feedback will come across better. The training usually produces the desired effect, at least in the short term. The question is, however, to what extent this approach achieves a lasting solution and whether such training is applicable in situations that may be less standard. It only gets really exciting when you start to experience it yourself. Suppose, for example, that someone continues to exhibit unwanted or ineffective behavior repeatedly, despite the fact that you have already subtly pointed this out to him or her several times? Does feedback training still suffice? Usually annoyance comes into play and people become irritated. The feedback often ends in a reproachful atmosphere.
From Feedback Training to Accountability
Giving and receiving feedback is an (important) part of a much broader vision: accountability. Accountability stands for a sense of responsibility in the broadest sense of the word. Feeling responsible, acting accordingly, sharing your responsibility and addressing others about this in a dialogue. This goes further than just giving or receiving feedback. We see that more and more organizations are including accountability as internal value (company value ). The two-day training Crucial Conversations for Accountability addresses the full vision of accountability.
FeedbackTraining: watch out for tricks
Giving and receiving feedback is just one of the skills within the vision of accountability. The danger of following only a standard feedback training is that the matter is taken out of context. People learn skills or a method without vision, without fully understanding the idea behind it. Giving feedback then becomes nothing more than a trick that can be applied; addressing undesirable behaviour.

The Feedback Training Crucial Conversations for Accountability
This two-day feedback training Crucial Conversations , for Accountability works from the vision of accountability and is extremely suitable for managers. Speaking out, addressing and agreeing is taken to a higher level. Ideal for conducting powerful performance reviews, where ineffective behavior needs to be discussed, without damaging the relationship. One helps the other to adapt behavior to perform better by using the model with the 6 sources of influence.
The 6 Sources of Influence
When accountability is used properly, the cause of the undesirable behavior is zoomed in more deeply. Subsequently, it is examined which sources of influence can be used to help someone change the undesirable behaviour. Instead of a feedback conversation, a solution-oriented dialogue arises.
Performance Reviews
Giving feedback is usually an essential part of performance reviews. Many executives find these conversations difficult and tend to judge neutrally and somewhat avoid confrontations. Here too, only giving feedback can lead to tensions and this will probably not or hardly achieve the desired effect. Managers struggle with the way in which they can discuss a sensitive topic without damaging the relationship. Only a feedback method does not provide sufficient depth for this. The realization of structural change in the undesired behavior is unfortunately not forthcoming. The vision of accountability is extremely useful in this regard. Finally, you jointly want the results to be optimal, the goals set to be achieved and the relationship to be strengthened.
Crucial Conversations for Accountability

Create lasting impact with our award-winning training solutions from the worlds most influential leadership training institutes.

Our leadership development solutions are based on decades of scientific research to provide effective skills and insights.

The focus of our training programs lies on the effective learning and implementation of new skills in the organization.

With an extensive network of professionals we can provide the same quality of training worldwide, in many languages.

Our mission is to develop talents of people to empower them and your organization. We do this by being a partner in stead of just a training provider.

We are convinced that the skills and insights of our training solutions will impact the lifes of participants forever.
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Crucial Conversations a Ultimate Feedback Training
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